首页 / 新媒体运营 / 20句适合发朋友圈的晚安文案,生动有趣!



I want you to have a sweet dream. I mean, dream about me


I will follow the milky way into your dreams with the gentleness of the moon and the light of the stars


Good night, I took my lovely proofing together



I've closed one eye, and when you say good night to me, I'll close the other.


Good night is the world's good night, good night is your good night

七,我的上眼皮爱上了我的下眼皮 所以我成全了他们

My upper eyelid fell in love with my lower eyelid, so I fulfilled them

八,黑夜不会亏待晚睡的人 它会赐你黑眼圈

The night will not be unkind to those who sleep late, it will give you dark circles under your eyes

九,这么晚还不睡的小朋友,是要被抓去月球罚站的噢 晚安.

Children who don't sleep so late are going to be arrested and sent to the moon to punish the station. Good night.

十,我要乔装成一颗小奶糖 夜深了提着星星灯快快溜到你的梦里,嘻嘻,晚安

I want to pretend to be a little toffee late at night with a star lamp quickly slipped into your dream, hee hee, good night

十一,你帅哥在梦里等你呢 快快盖上被子睡觉哦。

Your handsome boy is waiting for you in the dream. Go to sleep with the quilt on.

十二,睡觉吧 不然待会我又会想你了

Go to sleep or I'll miss you again


Good night kiss can only kiss the forehead, otherwise the children will have tooth decay

十四,今天有点困了 明天继续爱你

I'm a little sleepy today. I'll continue to love you tomorrow

十五,我在熬夜 熟了叫你

I'll call you when I'm up late

十六,希望今天的梦有酸奶 薯条 蛋糕 奶茶 草莓 还有你

I hope today's dream has yogurt, French fries, cake, milk tea, strawberries and you

十七,第一次当小朋友没有经验 请问幼儿园是这个点睡觉吗

The first time when children do not have experience, is this the point of kindergarten to sleep

十八,请允许我跌进你的梦里 Good night.

Allow me to fall into your dream, Good night.

十九,隔了夜的就会变味了 明天是新的 所以 晚安

The overnight ones will go bad. Tomorrow's new, so good night


The night elf is already urging you to see the stars in that dream




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